Gerard Henry 1924-2017

Gerard Henry was born in Lorraine in 1924 and graduated as a military pilot in 1946. After becoming a test pilot, he made the maiden flights of 2 aircraft, the Max Plan P.F.204 in 1948 and the Millet-Lagarde ML10 in 1949.
From 1950 onwards, he became involved with helicopters and went to EPNER where he completed a helicopter tst pilot course. He was involved testing the Alouette through to the Super Frelon in a 34 year career which saw 27 of them as a test pilot,flying over 36 types of helicopters and accumulating 11,575 flight hours of which 7,421 were flight testing. He also supervised the training of the first 100 French military pilots of the heavy helicopters,particpated in the operations in the Aures in 1955 and helped rescue White and Santini from Mont Blanc in 1957.
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