These photographs are of Test Pilots,Engineers,and various research and production aircraft flown on test flights mostly from the late 1940's through to the present day.
Most of these have been kindly signed by those depicted
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Adam Teleki 1937-
L-R Gert Endler (Inspector), Siegfried Hoffmann(Test Pilot) , Roland Woehrl ( P2 flight line mechenic) and Adam Teleki (FTE)
First Flight of MBB BK117
Tiger PT3 (PAH2 / HAC prototype) flown by Andrew Warner and Adam Teleki FTE
HGH Programme ( High Speed Helicopter programme) using a modified Bo105 to explore the limitations of the hinge-less rotor Bo 105 S1 D-HABV shows Siegfried Hoffmann, an airfield guard and Adam Teleki after landing at Hinjohosa-del-Duque in southern Spain, direct from Ottobrunn near Munich. This established a new distance record for Class Id rotorcraft, which still stands today.
Adam Teleki
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